Friday, November 14, 2014

Top 10 Essential Oils: #6 Oregano

Oregano oil health benefits are still a somewhat new discovery. Researchers are still finding powerful uses for this simple herb.
According to Modern Essentials, the properties within a quality brand of oregano essential oil include:
  • Antibacterial
  • Antifungal
  • Antiparasitic
  • Antiseptic to the respiratory system
  • Antiviral
  • Immune stimulant
Simply eating dried or fresh oregano is good for you, but it's nothing compared to the potency of the essential oils of oregano. All the best properties packed into one tiny drop.
Oregano oil also has some interesting emotional and energetic uses, as well. It is said to teach a person non-attachment, especially to their own Ego and the false identities they've built into their lives.
Because of this it may help a person to release the need to be right, harmful forms of pride, let go of unhelpful opinions (or the need to share them in unhelpful ways), and to learn not to cling tightly to the impermanent. Think of these things like viruses that this antiviral oil clears swiftly and powerfully. This can leave a person able to dive into the flow of Life and their own spiritual practice without the common blocks (our own mind) getting in the way.

About Oregano

Oregano is a member of the mint family, and is often called one of nature’s strongest antiseptics. Jean Valnet described Oregano oil as one of the strongest known anti-inflammatory drugs in reversing pain and inflammation with nearly the power of morphine as a painkiller. It is also an excellent lymphatic stimulator. Use on fungus and athletes foot.  Because of its strong antibacterial, antiseptic, and antiviral properties, it is often used for candidacies and fungal infections. Use Oregano for respiratory ailments such as colds, flu, sore throat, asthma, bronchitis.  It can also relieve congestion, loosen phlegm, and quiet coughs. (...) Oregano Essential Oil comes of the family Lamiaceae (Labiatae), the oil is steam distilled from an herb grown in Turkey.

Typical Applications

Use a 50% dilution, or more, twice daily on feet for fungus or athlete’s foot.  Oregano is approved by the FDA as GRAS, but is a “hot” oil, so dilution with a carrier is recommended.  Take 1-2 diluted drops for intestinal infection or digestive problems. Diffuse to for antiseptic and antibacterial purposes.  Use a carrier when applying topically.  Dilute and use for oil pulling for mouth infections, or gargle diluted for sore throats.
Precautions:   Because of the high percentage of phenols use with extreme care and avoid in all instances the use of Oregano during pregnancy.  Can be a strong skin irritant   Most recommend not taking internally continuously for more than two weeks without a pause. Do not use without dilution.

Suggested and Possible Uses of Oil of Oregano

The following are uses described in a book I highly recommend, Modern Essentials: A Contemporary Guide to the Therapeutic Uses of Essential Oils, as well as from personal experience and other resources. Use them to inspire your own ideas, experiment, and see what works for you.
Athlete's Foot
Massage into the feet, add a drop to shoes, soak socks in warm water and 2 drops of oregano or add 1-2 drops in a foot bath.
Massage with coconut oil into the area once a day.
Take this internally in a capsule, add to food, or massage over the area of concern.
Canker Sores
Dab the diluted mixture onto the sore 1-3x a day.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Massage the oil into the hands, wrists and up the forearms, upper arms and shoulders. Also use movement that go UP the arm (toward the heart).
Fungal Infections
Can be used topically, taken internally and/or inhaled aromatically according to the type and location of infection to increase the oregano oil health benefits.
Immune System (Stimulant)
Use daily on the soles of the feet, add a drop to meals or your bathwater, and add 1 drop to a pan of steaming water to inhale for several minutes a day (maybe even pasta water to flavor the pasta as well!).
Gently massage into the inflamed area, always massaging toward the heart.
Intestinal Parasites
You can access oregano oil health benefits by massage into the soles of the feet and in a clockwise motion over the abdomen. Also be sure to take the oil internally, such as by adding to capsules or meals.
Massage into the soles of the feet and over the chest to increase immune response and fight the infection.
Muscle Aches
Dilute within coconut oil and massage into the muscles, moving toward the heart.
Nasal Polyp
Drop 2 drops of oregano oil in a pan of steaming water. Place a towel over your head and inhale the steam for as long as possible. Also beneficial to apply over the reflex points of the feet. You can reheat this water on the stove generally once more before it's suggested to start fresh.
Take internally (in capsules or food), massage into the soles of the feet, or apply over the area of concern.
Diffuse throughout the home to fight infection and apply daily to the soles of the feet.
Oregano oil health benefits include this difficult to treat illness. Diffuse through the room, inhale from a bowl of steaming water and work into the soles of the feet.
Massage a 1:3 ratio of oregano oil to coconut oil directly over the site. I also recommend adding lavender and melaleuca. Do this 3x a day and continue several days after it disappears.
Staph Infection
Work into the soles of the feet for fast absorption into the blood stream. Also, take internally in capsules or within food as directed in the uses above.
Vaginal Candida
Take internally with food or in capsules, massage into the feet. Or using a vaginal syringe, use internally.
Viral Infections
Use a hot compress, add oregano to your bath water, or massage into the reflex points of the feet.
Warming to the Body
Warming is one of the little known uses of oil of oregano. Massage into the hands and feet and around the neck.
Apply a 1:3 ratio (oregano:coconut oil) directly to the wart. Consider adding melaleuca, as well.
Whooping Cough
Massage over chest and into the pads of the feet. Also consider diffusing through the air.
Other reported uses of oil of oregano include: Asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory problems; mental disease; tuberculosis; rheumatism; digestive issues; colds and flus; metabolism; and increasing a sense of safety and security.
But remember you will only see the most oregano oil health benefits when you're using high quality, high purity essential oils.
To support the oregano oil health benefits, also consider trying thyme, melaleuca or lemon.

My Etsy shop has all of your gift-giving needs covered - Essential Oils style!

If you are like me, there are more than a few people in your life for whom you always have trouble buying gifts. Birthdays, the holidays, any special occasion leaves you stumped! But look no further! For truly thoughtful yet functional gifts for anyone in your life, you should check out my Etsy shop: I carry all doTERRA brand essential oils - single oils as well as blends in small stocking stuffer sizes that are the perfect size for carrying in a purse or traveling the globe! I also make a variety of all-natural products including a men's shaving cream and aftershave, leave-in conditioner, essential oil-infused epsom salts and lovely scents that can be used as either room sprays OR personal fragrance! Please stop on by and enter the code PERFECTGIFT for free domestic shipping on orders over $20 from now until Christmas!